
Senate Election Outcome Too Close To Call

Reuters tonight says the Senate is up for grabs one month before the election.

At least eight races are too close to call. The Democrats now control the Senate by one vote. "Three seats held by Democrats -- South Dakota, Minnesota and Missouri -- and four seats held by Republicans -- New Hampshire, Colorado, Arkansas and Texas -- are within the margin of error in recent polls. "

As to New Jersey, a new Democratic poll shows former Senator Lautenberg 11 points ahead of Republican businessman Forrester. The spin being put out by the Republicans is that the ballot switch will antagonize voters. Not so, says the Washington Post.

"A full day of interviews in New Jersey's three main demographic subdivisions -- suburbs, cities and white ethnic enclaves -- indicated that other than Republicans, most voters have moved past the furor still raging nationally about Torricelli's 11th-hour withdrawal. A number of Democrats and independents who said they would have voted against Torricelli on ethical grounds said they now will vote for Lautenberg. Asked why the switch doesn't trouble them, they invariably mentioned political scandals in both parties and widespread evidence of corporate fraud."

"What's more scandalous than Bush in Florida?" asked one of those interviewed.

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