
"Rave Act" Action Alert

From the Drug Policy Alliance:

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) has introduced a House version of the RAVE Act (HR 5519). The House Subcommittee on Crime will be considering the bill on Thursday (the 10th). If it passes out of Committee as is, the RAVE Act could become law THIS YEAR, which means federal prosecutors will have the power they need to shut down raves, hemp festivals, hip hop concerts, and other events they don't like. If your Representative is on the House Subcommittee on Crime, please urge him or her to vote against the bill. Call your representative today, then follow up with a fax:

What to Do:

1) Use the list below to see if your Representative is on the Subcommittee on Crime. Not sure who your Representative is? Find out here. If your Representative is on the Subcommittee on Crime call your Representative today and tell him or her to VOTE AGAINST THE RAVE ACT. THE RAVE ACT IS A THREAT TO PUBLIC HEALTH, FREE SPEECH, AND INNOCENT BUSINESS OWNERS.

2) Follow up your phone call with a fax. If your Representative is on the Subcommittee on Crime, fax your Rep (If your Representative is not on the Subcommittee, you will not be able to fax).

3) While our campaign to defeat the RAVE Act and protect musical events, marijuana rallies, and innocent business owners has been very successful, it hasn't been cheap. Please consider giving the Drug Policy Alliance a tax-deductible contribution, so we can continue fighting to defeat the RAVE Act, protect civil liberties and end the war on drugs.

4) Please forward the permalink to this blog post to friends, family, and co-workers. Unless people speak out, the RAVE Act could become law this year.


Barr, Bob (R-GA, 7th) (202) 225-2931
Chabot, Steve (R-OH, 1st) (202) 225-2216
Coble, Howard (R-NC, 6th) (202) 225-3065
Delahunt, William (D-MA, 10th) (202) 225-3111
Goodlatte, Bob (R-VA, 6th) (202) 225-5431
Green, Mark (R-WI, 8th) (202) 225-5665
Keller, Ric (R-FL, 8th) (202) 225-2176
Lee, Sheila Jackson (D-TX, 18th) (202) 225-3816
Meehan, Marty (D-Ma, 5th) (202) 225-3411
Schiff, Adam (D-CA, 27th) (202) 225-4176
Scott, Bobby (D-VA, 3rd), Ranking Member (202) 225-8351
Smith, Lamar (R-TX, 21st), Chair (202) 225-4236

For more on the "Rave Act", see our prior posts here and here. For the text of the Act, go here. For Law Professor Glenn Reynold's ( Instapundit's) commentary on the Rave Act at Fox News, go here.

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