
Rockefeller Drug Laws Are Issue in NY Governor's Race

Independent party candidate Tom Golisano, running for Governor of New York, is taking to the airwaves to condem the draconian Rockefeller laws. Golisano will call today for the laws' repeal and begin broadcasting commercials "that accuse Gov. George E. Pataki of offering a Rockefeller plan that is "not real reform."

Golisano's right. Pataki made a campaign promise last time around to reform the Rockefeller drug laws. He hasn't kept it.

Roger Stone, Golisano's campaign manager said today: "Tom Golisano is the most conservative candidate in this race, and he is acknowledging that the Rockefeller laws are harsh, ineffective and expensive," Mr. Stone said, noting that more than $700 million is spent yearly to incarcerate drug offenders. "We are hopeful that his position will give others now the cover they need to get these laws repealed."

For more on the Rockefeller drug laws and Pataki's earlier promises, go here and here.

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