
Florida Boys' Conviction for Father's Murder Overturned

Via a heads-up e-mail from Jim Capozzola at Rittenhouse Review, the Judge in the Florida case of the two teenage boys convicted of killing their father has overturned their convictions.

"The brothers were facing prison terms of 20 years to life under state sentencing guidelines because they were tried as adults rather than juveniles. They were convicted of arson and second-degree murder without a weapon."

"The six-member jury concluded an adult co-defendant, Ricky Chavis, wielded the weapon but that the boys were accomplices by letting him in the house. Jury forewoman Lynne Schwarz said at a courthouse rally for the boys prior to the hearing that she never thought the jury's verdict would result in prison time for the boys."

A second jury acquitted Ricky Chavis, but the verdict in his case was sealed and the boys' jury weren't told about it.

Reverand Thomas Masters, speaking at the courthouse rally, "said Florida leads the nation in prosecuting children as adults, most for nonviolent crimes."

"We cannot see what we are doing to our kids in this state is a total embarrassment to our nation, and especially our president, the honorable President George W. Bush, who said we must never, never leave any child behind," Masters said. "That includes Alex and Derek King."

We'll update tonight or tomorrow when we learn why the Judge overturned the verdict. If you find out first, please post it in a comment here.

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