
Wellstone: Conscience of a Liberal

Conscience of a Liberal
by Paul Wellstone

The first part of the book explains Wellstone's unlikely ascension to the Senate in 1990 after a 21 year career teaching political science at Carleton College.

The bulk of The Conscience of a Liberal lays out Wellstone's political agenda, one that included universal health care, reversing welfare reforms, pre-kindergarten education, raising the minimum wage, and campaign-finance reform.

Wellstone concludes with a call for leadership: "This is not a conservative America.... There is a huge leadership void in this country that the Democratic Party, emboldened by political courage and a commitment to the issues that made our party great, can fill."

Bill Bradley said "Read this book and feel thankful that there is a man such as Paul Wellstone in the service of our country."

Senator Paul Wellstone
1944 - 2002
Rest in Peace.

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