
Senate Cash Rolling In

In Senate Cash Rolls In, the Rocky Mountain News updates the contributions and expenditures in the Strickland-Allard Race.

"Democrat Strickland edged out Allard, the incumbent Republican, in fund raising during the first half of October, $316,000 to $286,000. But Allard outspent Strickland $434,000 to $353,000. The Allard campaign spent about $300,000 on media, while Strickland spent about $160,000. Allard had $753,000 in the bank as of Oct. 16, while Strickland had $124,000, the filings said."

"The majority of Allard's donations came from political action committees, mostly business and political groups. Strickland took in a majority of his money from individuals, many of whom identified themselves as attorneys."

Both candidates plan a big media blitz from now till election day. Give to Strickland.

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