
How the Incumbants Voted

If you are thinking of voting for an incumbant, we recommend you check his or her voting record.

  • Senate Roll Call Votes provides vote tables to look at any roll call vote taken since the 101st Congress (1989). The tallies provide brief descriptions of the votes and links to THOMAS for the texts of the legislation.
  • House Roll Call Votes is provided by THOMAS and shows House recorded floor votes going back to the second session of the 101st Congress (1990).

    Looking at votes through THOMAS is easy if you know the date the vote occurred or you know the vote or bill number, but there is no subject access to votes and the description of each vote is very brief. House vote charts are broken out by yeas, nays, and not voting, and include overall vote tallies and party breakdowns. The Senate vote charts are grouped by three categories: yeas, nays, and not voting; alphabetically by name; and by state. The Senate charts also provide overall tallies, but not party breakdowns

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