Wayne Allard's Voting Record
Wayne Allard has an abysmal voting record on crime and civil liberties issues. You can check it out at Wayne Allard on the Issues. Allard
Allard's dismissive attitude hypocriticalParticlularly in this squeaker of a Senate race, your vote can make the difference. Take the time tomorrow to vote for Tom Strickland. Every vote counts.After watching the recent Senate debate, I was appalled by Sen. Wayne Allard's efforts to distance himself from his voting records. I could not believe he stared into the camera and told voters they should not hold him accountable for his votes cast as a United States congressman!
Allard suggested Coloradans ignore the fact that he voted against providing health insurance to children, The Family and Medical Leave Act, and in favor of abolishing the U.S. Department of Education.
It would be one thing if he chose to defend his votes. However, he blatantly told voters to pretend they never existed. It's the height of hypocrisy for Allard to say that his experience matters, but in the same breath tell us that his past votes shouldn't be an issue because they happened "back when he was in the House."
I plan on holding Allard accountable on Nov. 5. I'll be casting my vote for Tom Strickland.
D. Beth Quinn
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