
European Anti-War Protest Streams Through Florence

European Anti - War protestors streamed through Florence earlier today.

"More than 450,000 anti-war protesters from across Europe marched through this Italian Renaissance city on Saturday, denouncing any U.S. plans to attack Iraq."

"Fired with anti-American sentiment and angered by a tough new U.N. resolution to disarm Iraq, European activists joined forces in a carnival atmosphere and marched together singing Communist anthems and blowing shrill whistles. ``Take your war and go to hell,'' one of the colorful banners read. ``No to war,'' said another."

"The rally marked the climax of the first European Social Forum, which brought together anti-globalisation campaigners from across the continent for four days of talks and concerts."

"Authorities estimated more than 450,000 protesters were on the streets, and people were still streaming in from a fleet of buses and trains hired for the occasion. Organizers said the crowd could swell to more than a million people, making it one of the biggest rallies ever seen in Italy."

``The atmosphere here is wonderful. Absolutely perfect. It shows that a new young left is emerging,'' said Stavos Valsamis, a 27-year-old Greek activist from Athens."

We hope so.

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