
Federal Death Penalty Considerations

The Department of Justice authorization procedures for seeking the death penalty in any case are set forth in section 9-10.000 of the United States Attorney's Manual.

"Promulgated in early 1995, the Department of Justice Death Penalty Guidelines and Procedures are intended to set forth the criteria to be utilized by local United States Attorneys and the DOJ in deciding whether to seek the imposition of the death penalty under federal law. The procedures also outline certain procedural steps to which United States Attorneys and Main Justice are supposed to adhere in considering death penalty authorization requests."

"The following is a summary of the Department of Justice policy and procedures in all federal cases in which a defendant is charged with an offense subject to the death penalty, regardless of whether the United States Attorney intends to request authorization to seek the death penalty." [Source, An Overview of the Federal Death Penalty Process , by Dick Burr, David Bruck & Kevin McNally]

  • The local United States Attorney's Office cannot seek the death penalty without prior written authorization of the Attorney General. A detailed death penalty evaluation memo must be prepared and sent to DOJ by the U.S. Attorney's Office in every death-eligible case, whether or not the US Attorney wishes to seek the death penalty.
  • The United States Attorney must give notice and an opportunity to be heard to defense counsel before deciding to request death penalty authorization from the Attorney General. Defense counsel has the opportunity to present facts, including mitigating factors, to the United States Attorney for consideration.
  • Within the Department of Justice, a review committee has been established to review each death-eligible case and to recommend to the Attorney General whether the death penalty should be sought. The DOJ review committee is appointed by the Attorney General and includes representatives of the Deputy Attorney and the Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division. Members of a newly-created Capital Crimes Unit within the Criminal Division participate in the review process, but are not voting members of the committee.
  • Defense counsel is provided the opportunity to present to the DOJ review committee, orally or in writing, reasons why the death penalty should not be sought. The Attorney General will conduct a review and make the final decision about whether the death penalty will be sought by the government.
  • The Department will reconsider decisions to authorize the death penalty whenever changed circumstances are brought to its attention. These may include newly-discovered evidence bearing on guilt or sentence, non-capital dispositions for equally culpable co-defendants, etc.

    Federal vs. State Prosecution

  • Where concurrent jurisdiction exists with a State or local government, a Federal indictment for an offense subject to the death penalty should be obtained only when the Federal interest in the prosecution is more substantial than the interests of the State or local authorities. Section 9-10.070 of the United States Attorney's Manual. See also, Principles of Federal Prosecution, USAM 9-27.000 et seq.

    "The decision whether there is a more substantial interest in Federal, as opposed to State, prosecution of the offense may take into account any factor that reasonably bears on the relative interests of the State and the Federal Government, including, but not limited to, the following:

    A. The relative strength of the State's interest in prosecution. The Federal and State characteristics of the criminal conduct should be considered. One jurisdiction may have a particularly strong interest because of the nature of the offense; the identity of the offender or victim; the fact that the investigation was conducted primarily by its investigators or through its informants or cooperators; or the possibility that prosecution will lead to disclosure of violations which are peculiarly within the jurisdiction of either Federal or State authorities or will assist an ongoing investigation being conducted by one of them.

    B. The extent to which the criminal activity reached beyond the local jurisdiction. The extent to which the criminal activity reached beyond the boundaries of a single local prosecutorial jurisdiction should be considered. The nature, extent, and impact of the criminal activity upon the jurisdiction, the number and location of any murders, and the need to procure evidence from other jurisdictions, in particular other States or foreign countries, are all relevant to this analysis.

    C. The relative ability and willingness of the State to prosecute effectively. The relative likelihood of effective prosecution and appropriate punishment upon conviction in the State and Federal jurisdictions should be considered, including the ability and willingness of the authorities in each jurisdiction; the prosecutorial and judicial resources necessary to undertake prosecution promptly and effectively; legal or evidentiary problems that might attend prosecution; conditions, attitudes, relationships or other circumstances that enhance the ability to prosecute effectively, or alternatively, that cast doubt on the likelihood of a thorough and successful prosecution. "

    Standards for Determination

    In deciding whether it is appropriate to seek the death penalty, the United States Attorney, the Attorney General's Committee and the Attorney General may consider any legitimate law enforcement or prosecutorial reason that weighs for or against seeking the death penalty. USAM 9-10.080

    "In determining whether or not the Government should seek the death penalty, the United States Attorney, the Attorney General's Committee, and the Attorney General must determine whether the statutory aggravating factors applicable to the offense and any non-statutory aggravating factors sufficiently outweigh the mitigating factors applicable to the offense to justify a sentence of death, or, in the absence of any mitigating factors, whether the aggravating factors themselves are sufficient to justify a sentence of death. To qualify for consideration in this analysis, an aggravating factor must be provable by admissible evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Because there may be little or no evidence of mitigating factors available for consideration at the time of this determination, any mitigating factor reasonably raised by the evidence should be deemed established and weighed against the provable aggravating factors. The analysis employed in weighing the aggravating and mitigating actors that are found to exist should be qualitative, not quantitative: a sufficiently strong aggravating factor may outweigh several mitigating factors, and a sufficiently strong mitigating factor may outweigh several aggravating factors. Weak aggravating or mitigating factors may be accorded little or no weight. Finally, there must be substantial admissible and reliable evidence of the aggravating factors."

    "The authorization process is designed to promote consistency and fairness. As is the case in all other actions taken in the course of Federal prosecutions, bias for or against an individual based upon characteristics such as race or ethnic origin may play no role in the decision whether to seek the death penalty."

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