
Hawaii's New Governor

Eric over at The Hamster lives in Hawaii and offers his thoughts on the newly elected Governor Linda Lingle, including this:

"What makes me think she'll be moderate is her past record and her knowledge of Hawaii. She knows Hawaii is a Democratic state and will never be a Republican stronghold so she'll concede a lot to Democratic positions in order to make ground (she did that when she was mayor of Maui), so I don't foresee a huge difference in governing. Lingle's election isn't a black eye at all for the Hawaii Democratic Party since they already had two black eyes going into the election."

And a big thanks to Eric who in the same post linked to TalkLeft and referred to us as "the Left's leading legal blog."

We've been reading and linking to Hamster every day since it was a news service in its pre-blog days and are very glad, but not surprised, to see it has become such a leading progressive voice.

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