
Dems Set to Take a Left Turn

The Washington Post reports today that Democrats are ready to leave the centrism of the Clinton days behind them and take a turn to the left.

"A decade after Bill Clinton pushed his party toward the center of American politics, inspiring a vibrant movement of "New Democrat" followers in Congress, a liberal resurgence is sweeping the party, threatening to brush centrists to the side. There's little doubt that on issues of trade, gun control and tax cuts, House Democrats are about to take a left turn."

Al Gore, Howard Dean and Bob Kerry are said to be going along for the ride. The lack of support for Frost and Ford in their bids for the House leadership post "shows the strong grip liberals have on the party, especially at the congressional level."

Tom Daschle, described as "left of center" (news to us) in the article, was re-elected as minority leader yesterday.

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