
Sniper Suspect Muhammed Lawyers Attack Press Leaks

Peter Greenspun, the lead lawyer for accused sniper John Muhammed took the police to task for their leaks Wednesday. Greenspun earned high praise from Miami lawyer Roy Black, who selected Greenspun as co-counsel in the Marv Albert biting case a few years back.

"His highest-profile case, though, was representing Marv Albert on charges of forcible sodomy after a woman claimed Albert bit her on the back and forced her to perform oral sex in a hotel room. Albert pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault, spent no time in jail and eventually had the conviction wiped from his record. "

"Albert's lead attorney in that case, Roy Black, said he was impressed by Greenspun's work. "We selected him because he was clearly the best criminal defense lawyer in that area of Virginia," Black said. "He's very good thinking on his feet; he's great with a jury."

Black said Greenspun's experience with that trial should prove helpful.

"I wish Greenspun good luck," Black said. "The only thing standing between Muhammad and a lynch mob is Peter Greenspun."

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