
Bush To Resubmit Priscilla Owen for Judgeship

The Houston Chronicle reports that Bush will resubmit Priscilla Owen for a judgeship on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals when the new Republican-dominated Congress reconvenes in January.

"She faces criticism from numerous special interest groups who claim she is a conservative judicial activist, depicting her state Supreme Court rulings as pro-business and unfriendly to the environment and abortion rights."

"Her record shows her willingness to ignore the law in pursuit of an ultraconservative agenda. And that agenda gets in the way of her responsibilities as a jurist," said Ralph Neas, president of the liberal, Washington-based People for the American Way."

"In numerous dissents, Owen has taken positions that would have effectively rewritten the law or disregarded the expressed language of the law," he said."

And so it begins.

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