
New Anti-Terror Powers Curtail Civil Rights

A new report by the Century Foundation, a progressive think tank, finds that the Bush Administration's anti-terror powers curtail civil rights

"Actions taken by the administration of President George W. Bush and Congress since Sept. 11 in the effort to combat terrorism effectively erode individual freedoms while exceeding the historical powers assumed by past presidents in times of national emergency, according to a new report from a New York think tank."

"Despite their intent, these actions also hold little prospect of improving the chance of stopping terrorist threats, Stephen J. Schulhofer, professor of law at New York University writes in his report, "The Enemy Within: Intelligence Gathering, Law Enforcement, and Civil Liberties in the Wake of September 11."

The report is available here.

The Century Foundations' mission statement mentions their founding of Citizens for the Constitution and Citizens for Independent Courts, "organizations active in responding to both radical and right-wing assaults on our system of government."

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