
Dawn in Shanghai

It's Sunday just past dawn in Shanghai. We're off for our morning walk -- today we are starting at the historical Peace Hotel on the Bund , a few blocks from our new and shiny hotel.

"For decades, the Bund has been the center of Shanghai in economy and finance. A number of tall buildings stand alongside the Huangpu River like a multinational architectural show. Among them, Peace Hotel, with its Characteristic of the green pyramid, enjoys a glamorous attraction of the passers-by. The Peace Hotel faces the developing Pudong new area and soaring Orient Pearl TV Tower over the Huangpu River, and next to the Nanjing Road Shopping Area."

From the Shanghai website:

"Shanghai, the largest city in China, attracts people at home and abroad like a magnet. People come here for its culture, its history, its people and all the vigor and vitality it shows in its rush to international metropolis status. Like a pearl set in the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, Shanghai is the showcase of China's fast growth and a bonanza of tourist attractions, business opportunities and cultural activities..."

We'll be back sporadically throughout the day. We'll try to take some photos to upload. Looks like there will be some sun today. By the way, we love visiting at this time of year--the temperature is in the high 50's, cool and breezy but never cold. Light jacket (not sweatshirt or coat) weather.

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