
Central Park Jogger Case

We've been on the road today, and won't have a chance to post more thoughts on the five wrongfully convicted youths in the Central Park Jogger case until late tomorrow. In the meantime, we like what Instapundit has to say on the matter.

We have blogged a lot on this case, some of our prior posts on why the convictions should be set aside, and on why the prosecutors should come under scrutiny, are here, here and here.

We also agree with Professor Reynolds that the wrongfully convicted should be compensated. Our last report on that is here.

And from Jim Dwyer's update in the Friday New York Times titled A Test the New York Justice System Failed:"13 years later, the verdict is in: The system failed, and in ways that cannot be made right. The man responsible for the rape of the Central Park jogger eluded police attention and continued a sporadic siege of violence on the Upper East Side for the next four months that included rapes, slashings and one murder. "

"Most basically, the Manhattan district attorney has asked for the dismissal of all charges against the teenagers, and provided a list of compelling reasons to believe that another man, Matias Reyes, was the sole attacker. No longer do the prosecutors endorse a story of gang rape. The sexual assault on the jogger, long viewed as the signature piece of violence in a night of mayhem by teenagers, is recast in the prosecutor's report as another episode in a rampage of crime by Mr. Reyes. "

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