
Bill Bratton's First Month

The Dec. 23 issue of U.S. News and World Reports takes a look at LA Police Chief Bill Bratton and the job ahead of him. The article notes how well his policies worked in New York and asks whether the same policies will work in LA or whether his script will read differently in the City of Angels?

In other Bratton news, the Chief is considering hiring ABC's John Miller--not as a public relations spokesman which many expected, but as an advisor on homeland security.

We spoke with Miller at Bratton's swearing in late October about whether he'd leave 20/20 to work with Bratton again, and he said, "I'm always up for an adventure."

"As a newsman, he is best-known for a 1998 interview in which Osama bin Laden threatened to launch attacks on U.S. civilians. A high level source at ABC News, who spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed that Miller was considering an offer to join the LAPD. "We know that John has spoken with the chief about the job and we have given him our blessing," the source said."

Bratton and Miller make a good combo and we bet its a done deal with just the details being ironed out.

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