
Marijuana Group Launches War Against Drug Czar

The Marijuana Policy Project has called for the ouster of U.S. Drug Czar John Walters "for alleged 'illegal and dishonest activities' in campaigning against Nevada's marijuana ballot initiative."

The organization has filed a formal complaint against Walters under the federal Hatch Act charging that he broke the law by using his office to conduct a political campaign that was "absolutely a campaign of lies and distortions designed to frighten people."

The complaint, filed with the US Office of Special Counsel (OSC), accuses Walters of visiting several Nevada cities on October 10 and 11, 2002, and advocating for the defeat of a marijuana legalization initiative there during press briefings and television appearances.

The OSC is an independent agency set up to investigate whistle-blower complaints and alleged wrongdoing by administration officials. The ballot measure, which failed 61% to 39%, would have decriminalized possession of less than 3 ounces of marijuana by adults.

Officials found guilty of Hatch Act violations can be permanently removed from office or suspended for not less than 30 days, according to the OSC Web site.

Walter's spokesman says cabinet officials are exempt from the Hatch Act.

MPP has also filed a complaint with the Nevada Secretary of State (Elections division), that you can read here.

Rob Kampia, Director of MPP, makes no bones about the organizations goals. He told Reuters, "We want him out of the picture. We want him excommunicated from the federal government forever."

Kampia will be discussing MPP's war on the drug czar Friday night on The O'Reilly Factor.

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