
No Upgrades for Us

After four days of on again off again server problems due to a system wide upgrade performed by our hosting company, which we weren't aware of until after they had moved our site to their new servers, it has been universally agreed that TalkLeft doesn't want to change. It doesn't work on their new system, so they have moved us back to their "old server." Hopefully, you are no longer seeing a page that says "December 17" at the top.

Please let us know if you still get any error messages when you click on any of the permalinks, comments, "recent entries" section on the right, or if anything else doesn't work.

And a huge thanks to Kos of DailyKos and Ben at Movable Type for trying to work their way through this maze. Also, we're not mad at our hosting company, they had pleasant, dedicated live people available by phone and email and were just as perplexed as the rest of us.

Enough said.

< Trent Lott To Step Down as Leader | The Issue is Republicans, Not Just Lott >
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