
The Mass Arrests of Middle-Eastern Men

Atrios and Ampersand (Alas A Blog) get it exactly right on the recent mass arrests of middleastern men in California --arrests that occurred when the men appeared as required to register in accordance with a new government regulation.

From Atrios:

"I know this is hard for many people to understand, but most violations of immigration law are actually no different than violations of traffic law. I don't mean violations of the "sneaking over the border" type, I'm talking about violations of the "line 17 on Form XV3-342-234-vv3-1 was incorrectly filled out" type or of the "the INS didn't send me my goddamn paperwork AGAIN" type. If the government wants to treat those things seriously, they have to first start doing their part.

Look, I've traveled and worked in other countries. And, when I did so at various times I was probably in violation of the equivalent types of things. Frankly, it's almost impossible to not be if some bureaucrat decides you are. I'm glad those governments didn't decide to arrest me."

Ampersand has a great wrap-up of what the other blogs are saying on this, inlcuding Long Story, Short Pier and E-Riposte.

Our prior post is here. We also reported on the origins of Ashcroft's foreigner registration program here.

Let's not overlook the surveillance these middle-eastern men are under. We want to prevent another terrorist attack as much as the next person, but round-the-clock surveillance without accountability or reporting on anything but the number of persons surveilled? Since it's being conducted under secret FISA court orders, there's no requirement the Government demonstrate the surveillance has been effective. P.S. no wonder the economy is in the tanks, can you imagine what this round-the-clock surveillance costs?

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