
NY Asks Giuliani To Cut Back Expense

New York has asked former mayor Rudy Giuliani to cut back his security detail:
The former mayor is protected by a small platoon -- about 16 -- of New York City police detectives, at a public cost of about $1 million per year. Giuliani's security details dwarfs that accorded other former mayors, and the present mayor, Michael Bloomberg.

Police detectives also protect Giuliani's fiancee, Judi Nathan, driving her to her beach home in the Hamptons when she goes to water her flowers. A New York Post report stated that a police detective accompanied Nathan to Atlanta for a book reading by her betrothed. While there, Nathan and the officer went shopping, selecting a diamond and sapphire engagement ring for Giuliani to give her.

Six police officers flew with Giuliani and Nathan to Paris, and booked about $20,000 in overtime along the way. The city has long provided security to former mayors, but none in recent memory have had a contingent nearly as large as Giuliani's.

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