
Roadblocks and Vehicle Stops

We got an e-mail last night asking us to read a message forum where some folks have been posting about being unfairly treated after being stopped at a roablock by state and federal law enforcement in Arizona . The forum directed us to the Roadblock Registry, a site "dedicated to the subject (and elimination) of roadblocks on public streets, roads and highways", sponsored by the National Motorists Association, "North America's most outspoken defender of drivers' rights." We like the site and are spreading the word about it.

The group's position on roadblocks is straight-forward.
"We oppose the use of roadblocks, period. The only justification for stopping citizens under a roadblock scenario is to warn them of an unseen peril that could cause injury or death to an unsuspecting motorist. So-called "sobriety check points," or seat belt checks, or the myriad of other excuses the government concocts to harass and intimidate its citizens through the use of roadblocks are, in our opinion unconstitutional and in direct contradiction to any honest definition of freedom."
Here is their mission statement:
"The goal of this web site is to permanently eliminate the use of roadblocks, no matter their purpose or sponsorship. Initially we will provide information on how to avoid roadblocks, by listing their locations (with your assistance). We will also develop a portfolio of information and court cases that will educate our visitors on their rights and the limitations the courts have placed on roadblock operators. Finally, through the National Motorists Association and the National Motorists Association Foundation we will promote legislation, support litigation, and sponsor publicity all aimed at eliminating the use of roadblocks for public policy and political agendas."

The site has a state-by-state listing of known and announced roadblocks, and invites readers to contribute their knowledge of others.

It also tells readers what their rights are when stopped for a roadblock. We aren't vouching for the accuracy of the information, and we don't give legal advice to the general public, but if you're interested in the topic, especially as roadblocks will be in high gear through New Years, you might take a look .

As to the unfortunate person who was stopped at the roadblock in Arizona, you can read his story here.

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