
Good Reading Abounds

LiberalOasis has an excellent wrap-up of concerns about Bill Frist that neither the Democrats nor talk show hosts addressed on the Sunday news shows yesterday.

Don't miss Lisa English of Ruminate This on the Black Hole of Guantanamo. The Toronto Star has even more.

Kevin over at Lean Left reports on the backlash against the Patriot Act.

Jeanne D'Arc of Body and Soul on charity drives: "The one donation to clothing drives that sends me round the bend is torn underwear. What kind of people think the poor are so desperate they'd wear someone else's old underwear? And are they sitting at home basking in the warm glow of their generosity?"

Sisyphyus Shrugged on the war on Iraq (quoting from a Palm Beach Post Editorial):
Real or imagined, however, the question matters. If you accept the notion that there is no such thing as a "good" war or a "bad" war, but that there can be a "right" war and a "wrong" war for a country to fight, the president has the obligation to show that a war is "right" enough for mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters to believe that if their loved one comes home in a box, the sacrifice will have been worth it.

Patrick and Theresa Nielsen-Hayden post some informative and revealing comments about the difference between those taking prescribed amphetamines and drug abusers in the comments section to our post on the USAF pilots who were directed to take amphetamines, did so, and ended up crashing and causing a fatality.

Via Sideshow, who we don't mention as often as we should, check out Blah 3's video on the year with Bush.

We've modified our blogrolls to separate out the strictly legal blogs and move the alternative news sites into their own space. We've also added a few blogs, including Sisyphus Shrugged, LawSites, and in our "other side" category, we've actually added a law enforcement blog, The Guardroom.

For left-oriented news, we like What Really Happened and Take Back the Media.

A new blog we really like is Randy Paul's Beautiful Horizons, about the cultures and politics of Latin America. It's just a few weeks old, so it's not on our blogroll yet, but we do highly recommend it--both for Randy's writing style and the content.

If you used to be on our blogroll and got deleted, it's probably an accident so send us an e-mail.

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