
2002 Notable Quotables Awards

The "winners" of the Best of the Notable Quotables of 2002 awards have been announced.

For those unfamiliar with these awards, they are awards by conservative journalists, through the auspices of the Media Research Center, for the worst reporting by liberals during the year. The list of Judges includes the she-pundit-with-blond-hair-who- hails-from-Connecticut-and-writes-books. See if you can make it through the whole list of judges without wincing.

This is the 15th year of the awards. We are proud to say that we won one of these awards in 1999 for comments made during a MSNBC interview with anchor Gregg Jarrett about Hillary Clinton and Rudy Guiliani during their antagonistic Senate campaign. Runners-up in our category included Larry King, Sam Donaldson and Dan Rather. We still haven't figured out what was objectionable about the exchange--so we thought we'd reprint it here. (you can watch the actual ten second video here):
Politics of Meaninglessness Award for the Silliest Analysis

Rudy Giuliani joking on the Late Show about running for the Senate from Arkansas: "I?ve never lived here. I?ve never worked here. I ain?t never been here. But I think it would be cool to be your Senator."

Jeralyn Merritt, MSNBC legal analyst: "That?s just so unfair."

MSNBC anchor Gregg Jarrett: "It?s ugly."

Merritt: "It?s ugly and it?s unfair because she has spent a lot of time in New York and she has the desire to help and she is bright. She?s the best of the group."

-- Exchange on MSNBC?s InterNight, June 25.

We'd say the same thing again, and actually, we hope to in 2008.

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