
Baggage Handler's Bomb Ready for Action

The Times of London is reporting that the bomb seized from the baggage handler at Charles De Gaulle airport in Paris was primed and "ready for action."

"The explosives and detonators that were allegedly found on Saturday in the car of Abderazak Besseghir, a French citizen of Algerian origin, amounted to a bomb that was "ready for action", police said today. The arsenal consisted of five sticks of plastic explosive, two detonators and a slow-burning fuse as well as an automatic pistol and a machine pistol."

"Mr Besseghir has not provided any information since his arrest at the end of his working shift on Saturday evening. He was detained by airport police after a member of the armed forces, who was passing through the airport, reported that he saw a man handling an automatic weapon in his car in one of the indoor car parks."

On the topic of airport security, we took two flights the other day, from two major U.S. cities, and neither one had screeners at the gate doing random security checks. A few people on the flight commented on their noticeable abscence. Does anyone know if this is permanent or just a fluke?

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