
Boycott on SUV's

Jay Caruso at the Daily Rant has a problem with Arianna Huffington calling for a boycott on SUV's due to her belief they are funding terrorism.
Her ads have nothing at all to do with her concern over whether not money used to buy gasoline in this country is somehow winding up in the off shore bank accounts of terrorists. Her issue is obviously her born again environmentalism. All of this talk about funding terrorism is a bunch of crap... If she wants to come out and say that the millions of SUV's driving around the United States are killing the environment, then f*cking say it! Don't cloak your agenda in some nonsense about terrorism, and make sure you're driving a Prius and living in a tent before you lecture others."
Our Jeep drives great in the snow and mountains and we feel safe in it--if we were going to give up driving an SUV it would be because of rollover fears--not terrorism or the environment. If any of you out there who are feeling guilty over driving an SUV have a new BMW X5 or Lexus you'd like to unload via donation, we'll be glad to take it off your hands.

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