Ted Kennedy Blasts War Plan
"In a speech delivered at the National Press Club today, Sen. Edward Kennedy took a hard anti-war stance. "I continue to be convinced that this is the wrong war at the wrong time. The threat from Iraq is not imminent, and it will distract America from the two more immediate threats to our security -- the clear and present danger of terrorism and the crisis with North Korea."
"Kennedy, who voted against the Senate resolution in October authorizing the President to take military action against Iraq, said the inspectors need more time. "If our goal is disarmament, we are likely to accomplish more by inspections than by war."
Go on over to CNN and answer today's poll question, who's right, Bush or Kennedy. (Thanks to Jim Capozzola of Rittenhouse for the link)
Results as of 5:30 p.m.: President Bush 26% 1589 votes, Sen. Edward Kennedy, 74% 4594 votes , Total: 6183 votes
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