
Gary Hart on National Security, Terrorism and War

Gary Hart delivered a great speech Tuesday at the Council of Foreign Relations in New York--on the military, technology, terrorism and homeland security. We were able to obtain a copy, and have reprinted it in its entirety. We're told it will be available soon on GaryHartNews.com.

Finally, a politician who makes sense. It's long but well worth reading.

Lots of comments are still coming in on one of our prior posts on Hart--most of it is very favorable towards a presidential run. Here's one that came in tonight from a reader named Brendan.
I'm too young to remember 88, but reading what has been printed of Hart, by all means, RUN man RUN! We need a Bartlet running for office, and he seems to be the only dem out there with a brain. Gep is a geek, Kerry is too Northern, Edwards too Southern, Lieberman too Republican and Sharpton...yeah, right.
We said in our November post that we were impressed with Hart but not quite ready to jump on his bandwagon. We're getting closer to making the leap.

Update: The Washington Post has a profile on Hart and his potential presidential run here.

Update: Gary Hart's national security speech is now up on his website, here.

John Nichols in the Madison Capitol Times makes some good points about Hart. So does Jonathan Cohn in The New Republic, especially about how Hart can effectively neutralize the Donna Rice incident.

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