
New Drug Prevention Ads to Debut on Super Bowl ..

If you'll be watching the Superbowl, you may want to keep your channel clicker nearby.

"The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) today announced the launch of two new sets of advertisements, premiering during the Super Bowl and pre-game show, designed to further educate Americans about the risks of drug use. Two of the ads aimed at teens are a response to research showing that American youth want to be provided with the facts about marijuana. A second pair of ads will follow up on the groundbreaking spots linking drugs, terror and violence that were released during last year's Super Bowl. The ads are part of the ONDCP's National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, which is designed to help America's youth reject illicit drugs."

In the "We Can't Believe He Said That" department.....
"This campaign is designed to show teens some of the ways that using marijuana can cripple a young person's future," said John Walters, Director of National Drug Control Policy.
And don't forget to bring Kleenex if you'll be watching:
"Pregnancy Test" focuses on teen pregnancy and highlights the fact that marijuana can seriously impair judgment and lead to risk-taking that has serious long-term negative consequences. "Roadside Memorial" highlights the tragic consequences of drug-impaired driving.
Another set of ads links drug use to terrorism. "Part of a continuing effort to inspire national dialogue about the connection between drugs, terror and violence, the spot illustrates the sobering point that drug use has social consequences far beyond those that affect the individual user and his or her family. The ads challenge potential drug purchasers to examine the wider implications of their actions." Here's the website for the ad campaign.

We much prefer this marijuana ad campaign.

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