
U.S. Marijuana Party

Say hello to a new political party--the U.S. Marijuana Party. Composed mostly of libertarians and drug policy activists, the party is up and running in several states. Here's what they say about you forming one in your state:
We have tested this formula and it works. We will show you how to use the internet to form a Marijuana Political Party with a full slate of candidates in your state in 6 months. The way we did it was to first form a coalition of Libertarians and drug policy activists. By using the MARIJUANA NAME to highlight the Libertarian platform an army of drug policy activists become available to run as candidates in elections.

What's their mission? Here is the mission statement for the Colorado Marijuana Party.

Other states with Marijuana parties up and running include Tennessee, Alabama, California, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, New York and Pennsylvania.

How could such a one-issue party be successful? Here's what they say:
The goal of forming a Marijuana Party in your state is to become the king-maker in your state election. It is not to actually win any seats in your state house of representatives or senate..... The civil rights of Americans have been compromised by the war on drugs. Because the vast majority of citizens who use any illegal substance use only marijuana, the war on drugs is basically a war on marijuana. If you can pull the plug on the war on marijuana, you end the war on drugs as we know it. You shut down the prison industrial complex, and you restore the liberties that have been eroded because of this futile war on marijuana.
The key to success lie's in the party's structure, which you can read all about here.

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