
A New Addition

Say hello to Balloon Juice who just got a bloglift. He's considered right-wing by most liberals, as he is somewhat hawkish, does not view Bush in an evil light and generally favors international intervention.

But he also matches up with us on a number of issues. Balloon Juice's author, John Cole, tells us,
"I am pro-choice, against the war on drugs and pro-legalization, against the death penalty and mandatory minimums as well as in favor of prison reform and increased rehabilitation, against faith-based initiatives, generally pro-environment while despising most of the environmental groups, and an avowed civil and individual rights supporter (I really appreciate the work you did on the Racine Rave issue). I hate guns but I support the right to own them, and against almost every tax ever proposed."
You can't get too much better than that if you are a liberal crime-related political blog. So you'll find a link to Balloon Juice on the right under "Best of the Other Side."

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