
A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing?

We learned something new about Instapundit tonight. If he's not careful, we're going to blow his cover as being a conservative.

In responding to a post by Atrios on the connection between Reverand Moon and the conservative Washington Times, which post included criticism of Instapundit for writing articles for the paper, Instapundit responds:
"I think the only thing I ever wrote for the Wash. Times was a piece entitled "Greasing the Skids at the Start of Death Row," condemning the Habeas Corpus provision of the 1996 antiterrorism bill, which oped I coauthored with GWU professor Bob Cottrol and which was placed there through the efforts of that noted Moonie front group, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers."
We don't know much about Reverand Moon, although if Atrios says he's bad, he probably is, so we'll try and learn something about him, but in the meantime, we are very impressed that Instapundit opposed the Habeas provision of AEDPA (Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996--brought in by Clinton after the Oklahoma City bombing)--

The Habeas provision in that act is what makes it so difficult for those who are wrongfully convicted to get into court. It places a one year time limit on filing the claim. It can take years for inmates to get someone to review their case and try and track down DNA evidence to prove their innocence.

We are hereby extending Instapundit an offer to become a law professor member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. If he accepts, we'll pay his dues the first year.

We won't extend the same offer to Rev. Moon, the Bushes, Richard Mellon Scaife, Ted Olson, John Ashcroft, Judicial Watch, or any of the true conservatives.

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