
Hart Monitor

We just watched a thirty minute one-on-one interview with Gary Hart on The Aaron Harber Show on Denver's public television station. He was terrific. Our favorite part, of course, was his absolute trouncing of Ashcroft and the Patriot Act. Hart said Ashcroft comes the closest of anyone in his lifetime to J. Edgar Hoover.

Hart blasted the Government for its treatment of the detainees, including those at Guantanamo Bay. He said by detaining American citizens without due process, including access to lawyers and hearings, we are violating our own laws.

He said it's wrong for the Government not to tell the American people how many detainees are being held. There's no reason not to, except they won't want to answer the next question, "who are they?"

Hart said there will be another major terrorist attack, most likely a nuclear device in a major city. He also said smallpox and cyberwarfare are possibilities.

One thing that continues to perplex him is why, after September 11, no heads rolled. No one was forced to resign. The Government had warning. His committee's report came out in January of 2001 and warned of a terrorist attack on America. On September 5, he gave a speech in Montreal, and the headline of the Montreal Paper on September 6 was "Hart Predicts Terrorist Attack." Yet, America did nothing. There's been no accountability. We were more concerned with scandal and Gary Condit.

You will be able to watch the interview shortly anytime you want, 24/7, on the Aaron Harber Show website.

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