
Blogging Around

Ruminate This, the gutsy, outspoken and totally rational brainchild of Lisa English, just got a bloglift for its move to MT and it looks great. Go take a read.

CalPundit got a lift too--Kevin's changed his photo on the front--and is soliciting opinions about the new one. We like the second one better, but think he should take a third and smile a little bit for the camera.

We've made a couple of addtions to our blogroll, journalist David Neiwert's Orcinus, Digby , Roger Ailes (not that one), Progressive Gold and TBogg.

Alterman quotes retired Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni who opposes a war with Iraq now. Zinni used to head the U.S. Central Command, in charge of U.S. forces in much of the Middle East and Central Asia, from 1997 to 2000, after which he was George W. Bush’s personal emissary to the Middle East peace process. And don't forget, tomorrow is the debut of:

What Liberal Media?

by Eric Alterman

Buy the Book Today!

Read the 13 page Introduction now and visit the website.

Salon has a new interview with Hunter Thompson, our favorite gonzo Journalist who says 9/11 "let the Bush crowd loot the country and savage American democracy." Hunter has a new memoir out, "Kingdom of Fear: Loathsome Secrets of a Star-Crossed Child in the Final Days of the American Century," already destined for the New York Times Best Seller list this weekend.

Kingdom of Fear
by Hunter S. Thompson

Buy the Book Today!

Publisher's Weekly describes it as, "Hunter Thompson, author of such classics as Hell's Angels, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail and other journalistic endeavors, has finally penned a memoir. Well, sort of. "

Last but not least, we've added two features to TalkLeft. One is a newsfeed on the lower right side of the site with positive articles about Gary Hart, who may or may not run for President, but who right now is our first choice if he does. (There's a few issues we don't know his stand on that could possibly alter this). The other is "The Hart Monitor" which are sporadic posts containing updates on his run or non-run, whichever it should be. We'll say once again that should Hart choose not to run for President, we hope the next President, who we are sure will be a Democrat, makes him Secretary of State.

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