
Miguel Estrada Vote Tomorrow, Fax Tonight

The vote on Bush judicial pick Miguel Estrada is tomorrow. Dial 1-800-839-5276 tonight or early tomorrow and tell your senators to filibuster Miguel Estrada tomorrow. The Washington Post says "Republicans...hold a two-vote advantage in the Senate where a filibuster is the only likely option for Democrats to stop a presidential nominee."

What's wrong with Miguel Estrada? Start with the New York Times editorial, "An Unacceptable Nominee." Then read Media Horse this past week - they have the whole story. For more, go to People for the American Way.

Remember, Estrada is particularly dangerous because he is up for a seat on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. A disproportionate share of our Supreme Court Justices come from that court. Those in the know posit that Bush intends to put Estrada on the Supreme Court. We don't even know what he stands for. We've never read opinions by him. We know he worked on the Bush election controversy in Florida with Ted Olson, and that he offers advice to, and is a friend of, a certain acerbic-tongued light-haired pundit.

What can you do? Lisa English of Ruminate This has this answer:
The administration is pushing for a vote on Estrada that will come soon...anytime between now and Colin Powell's speech before the United Nations tomorrow. Distract the people and they'll not think to protest the packing of uber-conservatives with lifetime appointments onto the nation's courts.

Timing is everything. Do these two things. It will take you TEN MINUTES:

1. Pick up the phone - right now - and dial the toll-free congressional switchboard at 1-800-839-5276. Urge your Senator to FILIBUSTER the Estrada nomination. That's it. You'll be asked your name, address and phone. Simple and to the point.

2. Follow up that call with a visit to True Majority and send off their fax which calls for an Estrada filibuster. The fax is already written. If you agree with the verbage, just sign your name and move on. If you'd like to craft your own personal message, take the opportunity to do so.

We are talking ten minutes of your time. Ten minutes that can make a difference. Our country cannot afford to tolerate the corporate and religious ideologues being pumped out by this administration onto our courts.
Here's a small part of what the Horse says about Estrada:

Miguel Estrada, White House nominee for the prestigious and influential D.C. Federal Court of Appeals, helped mastermind the Republican legal strategy in the 2000 election crisis that led to the notorious Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore, an MWO investigation has revealed.

Estrada may also have been one of the so-called "elves," including among others his close friend Ann Coulter, who conspired with Kenneth Starr's Office of Independent Counsel and the Paula Jones legal team to lay the perjury trap that led to the partisan impeachment of Bill Clinton.

Following the stonewalling lead of the White House, the national media have been content to report that Estrada has left no paper trail about his political affiliations and judicial views. Instead, reporters have pumped up the phony G.O.P. story that Estrada is some kind of up-by-the-bootstraps American success story.

Even those in the media who have condemned the Estrada nomination, including the editorial board of the New York Times, have done so because Estrada's record appears so sketchy. In fact, there is much more to that record than the Times or anyone else has reported.

The evidence shows a pattern of partisan zealotry and right-wing connections on Estrada's part. It also conveys the strong impression that Estrada has received his nomination chiefly because of his legal work on behalf of the Bush campaign in 2000-- and, quite possibly, because of his involvement in the right-wing lawyers' conspiracy to bring down Clinton by any means necessary.
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