
Lobbying on Medical Marijuana

Received from NORML for those who want to keep track of or lobby their elected officials on marijuana legislation:
This has been one of the busiest years for marijuana related legislative activity in recent memory. After only one month, medical marijuana, decriminalization and industrial hemp bills have been introduced in ten states, and NORML has information that legislation will soon be introduced in at least five additional states. To keep track of all marijuana related legislation, please visit here.

To make it easy for constituents to write their legislators, NORML has created pre-written letters that visitors to our website can send free of charge to their legislators. It is crucial that concerned citizens contact their elected officials, as far too often legislators justify their lack of support for marijuana legislation by saying that their constituents do not support it.

In order to maximize the number of people who have access to these letters,
NORML has created customized webstickers, complete with marijuana leaves and the NORML logo, for all of our affiliates and supporters to feature on their websites. Website visitors can enter their zip codes directly into the websticker and they will be instantly appraised of any pending marijuana related legislation in their state legislature or Congress. For those of you who wish to take a more conservative approach, we also have webstickers emblazoned with images of flags and monuments.

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