
Patriot Act II: Transparent Housing Provision

ScrappleFace has more on the Patriot Act II, including the Glass Houses Provision. [link via Instapundit]

Update: On a more serious note, Warblogging says:

Fortunately the Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 hasn't become law yet. Fortunately it hasn't even been sent to Congress yet (beyond the copies sent to Speaker Hastert and Vice President Cheney). But it will be sent, mark my words. It must be defeated. I say again, must be defeated.

Please write your congressmen, write your senators. Write to anyone who will listen. Call CNN, call the New York Times and USA Today. Tell them that you demand prime time and front page coverage of DSEA. Tell them that you want analysis of how this law effects civil liberties in this country.

Tell them that you're an American, that you want to be free. [link via The Agonist]

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