
Outrage From the Bearded Librul

This Modern World
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What Liberal Media? by Eric Alterman

Buy the Book Today!

Read the 13 page Introduction now and visit the website.

Update: Eric was on MSNBC Sunday afternoon for a few short segments and had to deal with three right wingers opposing him. Yet Chris Matthews has scheduled Bernard Goldberg, whose book on bias in the media came out over a year ago, by himself for a full hour. We need to do an email campaign to get Eric on the air with equal time. We got these contacts from Atrios, go ahead, send them an e-mail. Here's a convenient cut and paste into your email:

hardball@msnbc.com, Booktv@c-span.org, totn@npr.org, tmshow@umich.edu, onthemedia@wnyc.org, waitwait@npr.org, atc@npr.org, brianlehrershow@wnyc.org, nyandco@wnyc.org

Or, individually, contact Chris Matthews at hardball@msnbc.com and politely suggest he have Eric Alterman on his show.

Contact Charlie Rose and politely suggest he have Eric Alterman on the show.

Contact C-Span's book notes (Booktv@c-span.org) and politely say how nice it would be to have Eric Alterman on the show.

Neal Conan at Talk of the Nation (totn@npr.org) and politely say how nice it would be to have Eric Alterman on the show.

Diane Rehm at the Diane Rehm show and politely say how nice it would be to have Eric Alterman on the show.

Click and Clack at Car Talk and politely say how nice it would be to have Eric Alterman on the show.

Todd Mundt at the Todd Mundt show and politely say how nice it would be to have Eric Alterman on.

On the Media (onthemedia@wnyc.org) and politely say how nice it would be to have Eric Alterman on.

Contact the Connection and politely say how nice it would be to have Eric Alterman on.

Contact Wait Wait Don't Tell Me (waitwait@npr.org) and politely say how nice it would be to have Eric Alterman on.

Contact Michael Feldman from Whaddya Know and politely say how nice it would be to have Eric Alterman on.

Contact All Things Considered (atc@npr.org )and politely say how nice it would be to have Eric Alterman on.

UPDATE: Skip whichever of the above is also known as Fresh Air, Eric's already scheduled there.

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