
Blogging Around

Welcome back from a too long hiatus to Law Prof. Jeff Cooper of Cooped Up--he's moved to Movable Type and gotten a bloglift.

Issues Guy gives up anonymity and has a new article out at History News Network, go read.

Ignatz (Sam Heldman) gets a nice bloglift as well.

Lisa English of Ruminate This examines General Electric's ownership of NBC in the context of their status as a major producer of nuclear bombs and reactors.

Jim Capozzola of Rittenhouse Review on the latest code orange alert--we'd write some more but we're off to the grocery store to stock up on our three day supply of bottled water.

The Horse is all over the right-wing Kerry bashing

Don't forget Eric Alterman is on O'Reilly tonight-- Fox News Channel, 8 and 11 pm EST.

What Liberal Media?

by Eric Alterman

Buy the Book Today!

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