
Asian Discrimination

David Neiwert explains why Rep. Howard Coble's remarks attempting to justify Japanese-American internment camps during WWII haven't met with the same outrage as Trent Lott's comments on 1940's racism. The answer: Bigtry against Asians.

Atrios shares David's view, and asks, "Does wartime justify the suspension of the basic American right to a presumption of innocence?" His answer, like our's, is a resounding "no."

Eric Muller at Is That Legal, points out that tomorrow is the anniversay of the FDR Order that authorized the detention camps. Take a minute to read Executive Order 9066 here. Pictures of the detainees and camps are here.

Colorado had an internment camp, and Prof. Mueller links to this excellent article about it. You can listen to audio clips of those with personal memories of the camp by scrolling down the article.

Congressman Mark Honda is trying to get Congress to do something about Coble. We all should join in his effort. Join us in writing your congresspersons and asking them to hold Coble accountable for his remarks and remove him from his leadership position on the House Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security.

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