
New Poll: Bush Ratings Fall Sharply

A just released Harris Poll shows that Bush's approval rating has dropped to 52%. Right after September 11, he was at 88%. Two months ago he was at 64%. 46% give him negative ratings now, up from 35% two months ago.

Ashcroft dropped from 65% to 51%. The only cabinet member with non-declining poll numbers is Colin Powell who has a 76% approval rating.

Here are the poll results:

* President Bush down from 88% to 52%, a decline of 36 points.
* Secretary of State Colin Powell down from 88% to 76%, a decline of 12
* Vice President Dick Cheney down from 69% to 45%, a decline of 24 points.
* Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld down from 78% to 56%, a decline of
22 points.
* Attorney General John Ashcroft down from 65% to 51%, a decline of 14 points.
* House Speaker Dennis Hastert down from 52% to 33%, a decline of 19 points.
* The Republicans in Congress down from 67% to 43%, a decline of 24 points.
* The Democrats in Congress down from 68% to 38%, a decline of 30 points

Source: PR Newswire.com Feb 19, 2003 15:54 ET

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