
Recent Bills Introduced in Congress

Here are some Bills of interest to us that have been recently introduced in Congress

S 402 (Feingold, D-WI), to abolish the death penalty under federal law, to Judiciary. S2457, CR 2/13/03.

S 407 (DeWine, R-OH), to provide loan forgiveness for attorneys who represent low-income families or individuals involved in the family or domestic relations court systems, to Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. S2457, CR 2/13/03.

S 399 (Campbell, R-CO), to authorize grants for the establishment of quasi-judicial campus drug courts at colleges and universities modeled after state drug court programs, to Judiciary. S2457, CR 2/13/03.

S 390 (Levin, D-MI), to provide retroactive effect to a sentencing safety valve provision, to Judiciary. S2456, CR 2/13/03.

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