
More Opposition to Patriot Act II

More opposition to Patriot Act II, this time coming from the Minneapolis Star Tribune editorial.

"Patriot Act II" offers everything an aspiring autocrat might wish for: It would expand government's spying power and curb judicial checks -- permitting 15-day wiretaps without court approval in a "time of emergency." It would expand aw-enforcers' power to secretly arrest and indefinitely detain anyone thought to be linked to a suspected terror group. It would tighten the Freedom of Information Act to keep the public from discovering whom the government has arrested and why.

Most troubling, perhaps, is a provision that would strip American citizenship from anyone who supports political groups of which the executive branch disapproves. That could mean expatriation for any citizen who makes a contribution to a charity that the Justice Department decides is subversive -- even if the gift was otherwise legal and made in good faith.

We need to keep spreading the word about this rights-abusive bill so that when the Bush Administration tries to sneak it past Congress, they'll be ready to spot it, understand the issues and resoundingly reject it.

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