
Almost Home

We just saw our last perfect beachside sunset for a while, and are on our way out for a last Mexican feast--we have to say, Cancun has been great, perfect weather, incredibly coral blue waters, a hotel out of a story book, and lots of comraderie among the criminal defense folks who traveled down. Yes it was a long way, the timing could have been better (it felt a little weird going off to an idyllic setting while as a nation we sit poised to go to war at any moment), but four days of sand, sunsets guacamole and friends were a great tension reliever.

Many think the criminal defense bar are all of one view. As to crime, we are. But not as to war. Several of the staunchest defenders in the country think we ought to take out Hussein as soon as possible--a greater number are hesitant, but inclined one way or the other. At the other extreme, are the pacifists, and they are not all holdovers of the 60's.

One item of interest was the pharmacies. Non-psychotropic drugs that are prescription in the US are over- the- counter here, and according to the pharmacies, legal to take back to the U.S. It was suggested to us that we buy cipro and amoxicillian while we were here. We asked why we would do that, couldn't we just call our doctor when we got home if we needed it? The answer was, "What if your Doctor's dead?" A pretty extreme but sobering thought. We wrestled with that for a few hours, and a group of us went over to the pharmacy to check it out. So, better to be "Chicken Little" and be "safe than sorry?" Or to say, forget it, if it happens it happens, you can't guard against all the possibilities. Some of the group bought the pills, some didn't. We didn't. But we definitely had a moment's pause there.

We'll be back posting at our regular pace Monday night.

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