
Hart Monitor

Gary Hart will be speaking twice tomorrow at the University of Virginia. It's a new speech addressing means of restoring idealism in America. It's not about foreign policy or war. We've read an advance copy, and think it once again shows that Hart offers something different than the other candidates for President. After 8:00 pm tomorrow, you can read it on Hart's website. Here are the details:

"Restoration of the Republic"
4:15 PM — Student Legal Forum
Caplin Pavilion
University of Virginia School of Law
Charlottesville, VA

February 26, 2003:
"Restoration of the Republic"
8:30 PM — Jefferson Society
Jefferson Hall
West Range, University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA

On March 4, Hart will be speaking on the economy in Los Angeles.

Update: Hart's latest comment about his possible presidential bid came at a speech in Denver Monday: "I haven't put together an exploratory committee or raised any money, although I might do that pretty soon," he said."

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