
Protest Operation Pipe Dreams

Received from NORML: Protest Ashcroft's "Operation Pipe Dreams":
Recently the federal government has implemented "Operation Pipe Dreams" and "Operation Headhunter," which have resulted in the indictment of at least 50 online paraphernalia distributors.

At a time when our nation is at an elevated risk of a terror attack, it is
preposterous that the U.S. Justice Department would waste limited federal
law enforcement resources chasing after sellers of products such as roach
clips and rolling papers, products which are legally sold at tobacco stored
all across America. These businesses pay taxes and do not in any way
contribute to the crime problem in America. To target them at this time
shows a total lack of understanding as to which risks truly threaten the
health, welfare and safety of America's citizens.

It is time for the Justice Department to reassess its priorities and stop
wasting federal law enforcement resources on such trivial endeavors. Federal
efforts would undoubtedly be better served keeping a bomb out of the hands
of Al Queda than keeping a bong out of the hands of a marijuana smoker.

Please take five minutes to write John Ascroft and tell him to shut down
"Operation Pipe Dreams" and "Operation Headhunter" by visiting here:

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