
FISA Oversight Bill Gaining Support

The ACLU reports that a bill that would require the Department of Justice to formally disclose information about its use of the secret intelligence court established under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is garnering bipartisan support in Congress.

The major Republican sponsor of the bill, called the "Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Reporting Act of 2003" is Senator Charles Grassley. Another sponsor is Patrick Leahy (D-VT.)
Specifically, the bill would require public accounting of the number of Americans subjected to surveillance under FISA and the number of times FISA information is used for law enforcement purposes, information that up until now has been kept close to the Department of Justice’s chest despite repeated requests from Congress, the ACLU and other advocacy groups.... A sign-on letter to Senators Leahy, Grassley and Specter on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Reporting Act of 2003 can be found here.

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