
Majority of Teens Oppose War

A new online poll by Angelfire, the leading community site for teens on the web, shows that a majority of teens oppose War in Iraq.
In a recent survey of nearly 3,000 teenagers and young adults (76% U.S. and 24% non-U.S.) a majority (55%) said that they do not support America's pending war with Iraq, while 11% didn't care.

Only 24% of youth polled think that the U.S. should attack immediately while about a third (31%) feel that the U.S. should do nothing and leave Iraq alone. Another quarter (23.7%) feel that the U.S. should wait for U.N. approval and the remaining twenty percent (21%) preferred that the U.S. give weapons inspectors more time.

If the U.S. were to wage war with Iraq, only one in five (21%) think that President Bush should bring back the draft while the majority (70%) disagrees. If the government were to reinstate the draft, not many young people would rush to join in. More than half (53%) would rather avoid the draft by fleeing for Canada or Mexico while about a third (31%) would "do their duty but wouldn't be happy about it."
The poll queried those between the ages of 12 and 21.

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