
Bush and the Silence of Free Speech

From Politics in the Zeros:
Bush announces "Constitution update" committee

"The President today announced the formation of a special task force to determine how the Constitution could be "streamlined and modernized" to protect citizens from "the increasing possibility of terrorism".

Sure to come under scrutiny are troublesome areas dealing with freedom of speech and assembly; which, according to a advisor close to Mr. Bush, are "sloppily written, too broad in scope, handcuff the police, and allow the evildoers to escape."

While some may deem this to be controversial, the advisor continued; "we also need to seriously examine whether trials are always neccessary once a person has been arrested, especially if we claim national security interests and do not divulge why they were arrested or where we are holding them."
Are you sure that was satire? This op-ed by Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark talks about Bush's push to silence free speech
During the barely two years of his presidency, George W. Bush has revealed an unprecedented, uncompromising obsession for war that threatens peace and economic stability around the world. ....

President Bush has authorized and approved assassinations, summary executions and murders — and boasted of them, in his State of the Union message in January. "All told, more than 3,000 suspected terrorists have been arrested in many countries, and many others have met a different fate ... let's put it this way, they are no longer a problem for the United States and our friends and allies."

He has authorized and condoned bribery, coercion and retaliation to obtain his war ends.

Fundamental human rights and civil liberties protected by international law and the U.S. Constitution have been violated within the United States against both citizens and aliens and abroad by illegal arrests, secret detentions, false criminal charges, and interference with rights to assemble, protest and speak.

He has drastically undermined U.N. authority, threatening it with irrelevancy, coercing it to follow his command and acting independently and in defiance of the U.N. Charter.
Ramsey Clark met with Saddam Hussein last week. He notes that the Bush Administration criticized Dan Rather's recent interview with Saddam. And he asks,
How are the people of the world to accept these threats? Are they terrorism as prelude to genocide?

President Saddam Hussein told Dan Rather, "We will die in Iraq."

If death is by U.S. violence, what will come after?

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